struct Player * CreatePlayerA(
struct TagItem * tagList );
struct Player * CreatePlayer(
TAG tag, ... );
tagList -- pointer to an array of tags describing the player's
attributes or NULL.
PLAYER_Name (STRPTR) -- The name of the player; default is no
PLAYER_Hook (struct Hook *) -- Function to call every time the time
changes; default is none. The hook is
called with
a0 -- address of Hook structure
a1 -- message (see <libraries/realtime.h>)
a2 -- address of Player structure
Be aware of that the function is not
necessarily called TICK_FREQ times per
second: this is the upper limit of times
it may be called.
PLAYER_Priority (BYTE) -- The priority of the player; default is 0.
PLAYER_Conductor (STRPTR) -- The name of the conductor to link the
player to. If the conductor doesn't exist,
it's created automatically. Passing ~0
creates a private conductor.
PLAYER_Ready (BOOL) -- Set / clear the ready flag; default is
PLAYER_AlarmTime (LONG) -- Set player's alarm time; implies setting
PLAYER_Alarm (BOOL) -- Set / clear the PLAYERF_ALARMSET flag;
default is FALSE.
PLAYER_AlarmSigTask (struct Task *)
-- The task to signal when the alarm goes
off; default is no task. If no task is
specified PLAYERF_ALARMSET is turned
PLAYER_AlarmSigBit (BYTE) -- Signal bit to use for the alarm or -1
to disable signalling; default is -1.
PLAYER_Quiet (BOOL) -- Specify whether this player should be
ignored or not; default is FALSE.
Generally only used by external sync
PLAYER_UserData (VOID *) -- Set pointer to user specific data;
default is NULL.
PLAYER_ID (UWORD) -- Set the player's ID; default is 0.
PLAYER_Conducted (BOOL) -- Set / clear the PLAYERF_CONDUCTED flag;
default is FALSE.
PLAYER_ExtSync (BOOL) -- If TRUE, this player attempts to become
the external sync source.
PLAYER_ErrorCode (LONG *) -- Optional pointer to a LONG that will
contain an error code if the function
fails. Possible error values are:
RTE_NOMEMORY -- memory allocation failed
RTE_NOTIMER -- timer allocation failed
A pointer to a player structure or NULL if failure. In case of a failure
additional information may be retreived from the LONG variable pointed
to by PLAYER_ErrorCode if you have specified that tag.
VOID DeletePlayer(
struct Player * player );
Delete a player. If this was the last player of a specific conductor,
this conductor is deleted too.
player -- Player to delete; may be NULL in which case this function
does nothing.
BOOL ExternalSync(
struct Player * player,
LONG minTime,
LONG maxTime );
Constrain conductor time between 'minTime' and 'maxTime' (however, time
can never run backwards). If the specified player isn't the current
external synchronizing source, this function does nothing.
player -- The player in question
minTime -- Lower time bound
maxTime -- Upper time bound
A BOOL specifying if the success of this function; FALSE means that the
player was not the external source or that no conductor was found for
the player.
struct Conductor * FindConductor(
STRPTR name );
Get the conductor with name 'name' or NULL if no conductor exists
with that name.
name -- The name of the conductor to find.
A pointer to the conductor you wanted or NULL if it didn't exist.
You have to lock the conductors with LockRealTime(RT_CONDUCTORS)
before calling this function.
BOOL GetPlayerAttrsA(
struct Player * player,
struct TagItem * tagList );
BOOL GetPlayerAttrs(
struct Player * player,
TAG tag, ... );
Query the attributes of a player. For each tagitem ti_Tag specifies the
attribute and ti_Data a pointer to the IPTR variable in which you want
the value to be stored.
player -- The player the attributes of which to set; may be NULL,
in which case the result is 0.
tagList -- Pointer to an array of tags describing the player's
attributes or NULL.
The number of items successfully filled in.
APTR LockRealTime(
ULONG lockType );
Lock a RealTime.library internal semaphore.
lockType -- The type of lock to aquire, see <libraries/realtime.h> for
further information.
A handle to pass to UnlockRealTime() to unlock the semaphore. If 'lockType'
is invalid, NULL is returned.
struct Conductor * NextConductor(
struct Conductor * previousConductor );
Return the next conductor on the conductor list. If 'previousConductor'
is NULL, return the first conductor in the list; if not, return the
conductor following 'previousConductor'. If 'previousConductor' is the
last conductor, this function returns NULL.
previousConductor -- The previous conductor or NULL to get the first
A pointer to the next conductor or NULL if there are no more conductors.
You have to lock the conductors with LockRealTime(RT_CONDUCTORS)
before calling this function.
LONG SetConductorState(
struct Player * player,
ULONG state,
LONG time );
Changes the state of the conductor connected to a specified player.
The possible states are
other possible "states" are
CONDSTATE_METRIC -- Ask the highest priority conducted node to do a
CONDSTATE_SHUTTLE -- Inform the players that the clock value is
changing without the clock running
player -- The player in question
state -- The new state of the conductor
time -- Start time offset in realtime.library units
0 if OK, otherwise an error code. For now, these are RTE_PLAYING and
Going from CONDSTATE_PAUSED to CONDSTATE_RUNNING does not reset the
cdt_ClockTime of the conductor.
BOOL SetPlayerAttrsA(
struct Player * player,
struct TagItem * tagList );
BOOL SetPlayerAttrs(
struct Player * player,
TAG tag, ... );
Sets the attributes of a player. An attribute not specified in the array
of tags is unchanged after this procedure.
player -- The player the attributes of which to set.
tagList -- Pointer to an array of tags describing the player's
attributes or NULL.
The same tags as for CreatePlayerA().
Success/failure indicator. If failure, then, in case the PLAYER_ErrorCode
is provided, more information can be obtained via that pointer.
VOID UnlockRealTime(
APTR lockHandle );
Unlock a RealTime.library internal semaphore.
lockHandle -- Handle returned by LockRealTime(); may be NULL.