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AROS implementation status

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Status: Libraries87%

- Completed,
- Needs some work,
- Not implemented,
- Amiga only
100% (2008-07-31)
- 100% = completeness score, 2008-07-31 = date of last update

AmigaGuide.library0% (2008-07-19)
Asl.library75% (2008-07-19)
Camd.library100% (2008-07-19)
Datatypes.library96% (2008-07-19)
Dos.library87% (2010-06-27)
Exec.library94% (2010-06-27)
Graphics.library97% (2010-06-27)
Icon.library44% (2008-07-19)
Intuition.library92% (2010-06-27)
Layers.library95% (2008-07-19)
Locale.library100% (2010-06-27)
Workbench.library58% (2008-07-23)

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