struct Gadget * CreateContext(
struct Gadget ** glistpointer );
Creates a virtual first gadget to which all following gadgets must be
glistpointer - pointer to a pointer to the virtual gadget. Use the
gadget pointer as NewWindow->FirstGadget or in
AddGList(). The gadget pointer must be initialized
to NULL before CreateContext() is called.
A point to the first gadget or NULL, if there was an error.
struct Gadget * CreateGadgetA(
ULONG kind,
struct Gadget * previous,
struct NewGadget * ng,
struct TagItem * taglist );
struct Gadget * CreateGadget(
ULONG kind,
struct Gadget * previous,
struct NewGadget * ng,
TAG tag, ... );
Creates a gadtools gadget.
kind - Kind of gadget. See <libraries/gadtools.h> for a list of
all possible kinds.
previous - Pointer to the previous gadget in gadget-list. Create the
first "gadget" with CreateContext(). This may be NULL, in
which case CreateGadgetA() fails.
ng - Pointer to struct NewGadget. See <libraries/gadtools.h>.
taglist - Additional tags. See <libraries/gadtools.h>.
A pointer to a gadget or NULL to indicate an error.
struct Menu * CreateMenusA(
struct NewMenu * newmenu,
struct TagItem * tagList );
struct Menu * CreateMenus(
struct NewMenu * newmenu,
TAG tag, ... );
CreateMenusA() creates a complete menu or parts of a menu.
newmenu - pointer to struct NewMenu
taglist - additional tags
A pointer to a menu structure.
CreateMenusA() stores no position information in the menu structure.
You need to call LayoutMenusA() to retrieve them.
The strings supplied for the menu are not copied into a private
buffer. Therefore they must be preserved, until FreeMenus() was
void DrawBevelBoxA(
struct RastPort * rport,
WORD left,
WORD top,
WORD width,
WORD height,
struct TagItem * taglist );
void DrawBevelBox(
struct RastPort * rport,
WORD left,
WORD top,
WORD width,
WORD height,
TAG tag, ... );
DrawBevelBoxA() does just that. It draws a bevelled box.
rport - rastport, in which the box should be drawn
left - left edge of the box
top - top edge of the box
width - width of the box
height - height og the box
taglist - additional tags
Boxes drawn with DrawBevelBox() aren't refreshed automatically.
You have to refresh them yourself.
DrawBevelBoxA() might modify the rastport to guarantee fast drawing.
VOID FreeGadgets(
struct Gadget * glist );
Frees all gadtools gadgets in a linked list of gadgets.
glist - pointer to the first gadget to be freed, may be NULL.
VOID FreeMenus(
struct Menu * menu );
Frees the menus allocated by CreateMenusA().
menu - pointer to the menu (or first MenuItem) to be freed, may be NULL.
void FreeVisualInfo(
APTR vi );
FreeVisualInfo() frees a visual info structure created with
vi - the visual info structure to free, may be NULL.
APTR GetVisualInfoA(
struct Screen * screen,
struct TagItem * tagList );
APTR GetVisualInfo(
struct Screen * screen,
TAG tag, ... );
GetVisualInfoA() creates a visual info structure, which is needed
by several gadtools functions. When you're done using it, you have
to call FreeVisualInfo().
screen - pointer to the screen to create a visual info structure for
(may be NULL)
taglist - additional tags (none defined, yet)
A (private) visual info structure. NULL indicates an error.
void GT_BeginRefresh(
struct Window * win );
Refreshes the given window. This function must be used instead
of BeginRefresh(), if gadtools-gadgets are used. When you are
finished with refreshing the window, you must call GT_EndRefresh().
GT_EndRefresh(mywin, TRUE);
Due to the internal structure of gadtools, it is not possible
to use WFLG_NOCAREREFRESH with windows, which use gadtools-
You should simple rendering functions between GT_BeginRefresh() and
GT_EndRefresh() only. Do not render or change any gadgets.
void GT_EndRefresh(
struct Window * win,
BOOL complete );
GT_EndRefresh() must be called, when a refresh initiated with
GT_BeginRefresh() is done.
win - the refreshed window
complete - TRUE, if refreshing is finished
struct IntuiMessage * GT_FilterIMsg(
struct IntuiMessage * imsg );
Processes an intuition message. Normally, you should not use this
function and call GT_GetIMsg() instead. If this functions returns
with a value != NULL, you have to call GT_PostFilterIMsg(), when
you are done with processing the message. If it return a NULL
pointer, you have to ReplyMsg() the message, you passed to
imsg - pointer to the intuition message to process
Either a pointer to a processed intuition message or NULL, in which
case the message had only meaning to gadtools.
LONG GT_GetGadgetAttrsA(
struct Gadget * gad,
struct Window * win,
struct Requester * req,
struct TagItem * taglist );
LONG GT_GetGadgetAttrs(
struct Gadget * gad,
struct Window * win,
struct Requester * req,
TAG tag, ... );
Get a list of attributes from a specific gadget.
gad - the gadget from which to get attributes.
may be null. if so, this function returns 0.
win - the window, in which the gadget is
req - the requester, in which the gadget is, or NULL
taglist - the list of attributes to get. ti_Tag specifies the attribute
and ti_Data is a pointer to an IPTR, where the data is to be
The number of attributes, which were filled correctly.
struct IntuiMessage * GT_GetIMsg(
struct MsgPort * intuiport );
You must use this function instead of exec.library/GetMsg() to get
messages from a window, if you are using gadtools gadgets. After you
are done with reading the message, you have to call GT_ReplyIMsg().
intuiport - UserPort of the window
A pointer to a message or NULL, if there was no message or the messages
had only a meaning to gadtools.
struct IntuiMessage * GT_PostFilterIMsg(
struct IntuiMessage * modimsg );
Restores an intuition message formerly changed with GT_FilterIMsg().
modimsg - The message returned from GT_FilterIMsg(). May be NULL.
The original intuition message or NULL, if NULL was passed in.
void GT_RefreshWindow(
struct Window * win,
struct Requester * req );
You have to call this function as soon as a window containing
gadtools gadgets was opened or after you have performed a
win - Window to refresh.
req - Not used. Provide NULL for now.
void GT_ReplyIMsg(
struct IntuiMessage * imsg );
Replies a message gotten via GT_GetIMsg().
imsg - The message to reply.
void GT_SetGadgetAttrsA(
struct Gadget * gad,
struct Window * win,
struct Requester * req,
struct TagItem * tagList );
void GT_SetGadgetAttrs(
struct Gadget * gad,
struct Window * win,
struct Requester * req,
TAG tag, ... );
Change the attribute of the given gadget according to the
attributes chosen in the tag list. If an attribute is not
provided in the tag list, its value remains unchanged.
gad - Gadget, for which the specified attributes should be set for.
May be be NULL. If so this functions does nothing.
win - Window, in which the gadget is.
req - Not used. Specify NULL for now.
tagList - List of attributes to set.
The gadget may be set to the specified attributes.
BOOL LayoutMenuItemsA(
struct MenuItem * menuitem,
APTR vi,
struct TagItem * tagList );
BOOL LayoutMenuItems(
struct MenuItem * menuitem,
APTR vi,
TAG tag, ... );
menuitem - Menu item to be layouted.
vi - Visual info to layout the menu item for.
tagList - Additional tags.
FALSE, if an error occured.
BOOL LayoutMenusA(
struct Menu * menu,
APTR vi,
struct TagItem * tagList );
BOOL LayoutMenus(
struct Menu * menu,
APTR vi,
TAG tag, ... );
menu - Menu to be layouted.
vi - Visual info to layout the menu for.
tagList - Additional tags.
FALSE, if an error occured.